SBA Title Search Helps Homeowners Get Loan

With the recent fallout from storms and hurricanes in the tri-state area, many homeowners are discovering that with the renovations to their homes fixing damage or even upgrading the home can be far more expensive than what home insurance will cover. The government has a disaster relief SBA Loan available for those in such a scenario. Since a Title Search is an important part of the SBA process...
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What is Title Insurance & Why You Have a Right to Choose Your Own Company: Part 1 of 6 Part Title Insurance Education Web Series

Most first-time home buyers are familiar with various types of insurance (e.g., auto, life), but are unaware of what title insurance is and the role it plays in real estate transactions. In the rush to close such transactions as quickly as possible, title insurance is typically an area that consumers commonly overlook in the home buying process.

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